
Over the past 25 years we have been blessed with several great bulls and that is very important as they represent 50% of your new calf crop. Our first bull was a Billy Bob son named Cimmaron who peaked at 53 ttt. Next came Obvious Prophet a Phenomenon son who reached 63" TTT. Then came Chuckwagon a Tari Graves son who found his mark at 68" TTT. Followed by Gringo an Unlimited son who hit 71" TTT after rubbing cedar trees all day long. Then came the Hunt's Command Respect genetics in Buzz Saw and KC Just Respect who were 77.5" TTT and 81.5" TTT respectfully and both were serious producers in their day.   

Over the last 10 years, bull selection has become even more competitive. CV Call of Duty a brindle with 85/108 and a 4x HSC Champion was introduced and he through big bodies and many 90 ttt ladies...Next up was Heartbreaker who so unique with horn genetics crossing Tuff Chex and M Arrow Cha Ching. Heartbreaker already a 4x HSC Champion 90" TTT and 115 tot. He is on place to produce more 100" TTT animals than any other bull in history. Along the way we sprinkled in some black and white with a Goldmine son named Game Changer.  in 2021 we added Butch Cassidy 87" TTT, the maroon, Chatchit son and Vindicator's Edge 90" TTT who brings in that Van Horne genetics as well.

Now we joined partners on two great up and coming bulls.The Real Deal who would be a 100" TTT bull if not for a horn breaking, he is out of the BR Cracker Jack and several great females. HH Never Forget, who brings Tuff Chex, Leweze cows and Red McCombs breeding with the 90" + TTT RM Pat. And now PCC Dark Dust to add some exciting new true black genetics.